Here’s hoping you’re enjoying the holiday season! 🎄🍾
I just wanted to take a moment to wish you a lovely close to the year, and also to thank you for being here with me in these early days as The Lighthouse gets off the ground. I’ve got a post in the works that’s half looking back, half looking forward, intended to launch us into 2025 with intention and inspiration - but for now, let’s just kick back by the fireplace and savor these last moments of 2024.
…Beginning with a quick movie recommendation to stir up some festive spirit!
One of my favorite films to revisit around this time is It’s a Wonderful Life.
Originally dismissed by critics for being overly sentimental, Frank Capra’s 1946 classic was a box office flop. Since then, it’s gone on to become one of the most beloved Christmas movies of all time. When owner Republic Pictures mistakenly let the film’s copyright lapse into the public domain in 1974, TV networks pounced, since they were able to air it for free. As a result, the film found its audience!
My dad watches It’s a Wonderful Life literally every year.
Whenever the family’s in town, he gathers everyone together to enjoy the film’s heartwarming celebration of life and love. Both thematically and from a craft standpoint, it really holds up, and it gets me every time. 🥹 I won’t say anything else here so that you can go and discover it for yourself.

Gosh, thinking about It’s a Wonderful Life makes me so nostalgic...
If I wasn’t in Nepal at the moment, I’d indulge a glass of eggnog and cozy up for a screening. As it is, I spent Christmas Day chatting with Hamish - a fellow writer on Substack who happened to be in Pokhara at the same time as I! - musing about love, literature, and the art of storytelling over some tasty Indian food.
Then last night I popped into Blackbird, a cocktail bar in Kathmandu inspired by some of my favorites in New York City. The mixologist whipped up something special with a smoky Nepali whisky, and she told me about her remote mountain village and mother’s life in Tibet.

How are you spending these next few days?
What traditions do you observe, movie-related or otherwise? I’d love to hear about them. Feel free to chime in with a comment!
PS: Oh, and just a reminder about our very first Movie Club event coming up in the New Year! We’ll hang out, network, trade stories, and break down Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar together in real-time, in honor of the film’s tenth anniversary.
WHEN: Saturday, January 04, starting at 09:30am EST. We’ll catch up for half an hour, then begin watching together promptly at 10:00am EST.
WHAT: A virtual “watch party” of INTERSTELLAR.
Join us for lively discussion and camaraderie with kindred spirits! I have no idea how many people will tune in, since this is the first time we’re doing this. But we’ll have fun whether we wind up with an intimate gathering or a full house.
(Please note that you’ll need your own copy of the film if you want to watch along with us, but you’re welcome to tune in regardless).
This event is exclusively for paid subscribers. If you’ve already upgraded, then you’re all set - simply follow the instructions here at the appointed time.
Hope to see you there!
Nepali whisky sounds intriguing!
Seeing friends and family and trying to understand possible solutions to all of America's woes.